Middle name doubts??? Suggestions?

Arianne • 31 years old, happily married since July 2013. Mama to Peter 4/11/16 Linnea 9/23/18 and Ivy 5/7/2021 Spina Bifida mom. PCOS+Endo.

Currently 30 weeks pregnant with our little boy, who we were thinking of naming Peter Arie Askham. I have posted before about how much I adore the first name of Peter. I am still feeling certain that that is the name I want. As far as the middle name goes, I am now having doubts.

My husband's great grandpa's name was Arie (Swedish, pronounced Eye-Ree) and I do love the idea of honoring him in our baby's name. But I am developing some concerns: firstly, most people pronounce Arie as in the newly popular girls name "are-ee" or Aria. Secondly, my name is Arianne "are-ee-on" and it looks and sounds so similar, I feel like people might think I am naming the boy after myself! And lastly, I am not 100% sold on the fact that his initials would be P.A.A. It doesn't particularly seem "magical". I honestly love the name Arie as it honors our Swedish roots, but I am growing more concerned that it just doesn't fit well.

I love unique, historic names and want to avoid anything biblical (as his first name is biblical). I also am avoiding names starting with the letter "E" as that would make his initials PEA! :) Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome!