
So I've been dealing with this guy for about a year and a half but there was no sex involved until just recently in November. He's a really nice guy very sweet and caring. He told me about a month ago that when he went out with his friend to promote their music a chick tried to talk to him. At first he said he didn't get her number because she was fat😒🙄 and then later revealed his friend that he went out with supposedly gave her his number. He goes out often but I'm usually home because I have 3 kids he has none. I feel like the best thing for me to do is close this door while I'm ahead only because in the future he will be going out a lot more to promote his music and I'll be sitting home wondering if he's really doing what he said he would be..but I'm fighting with myself because I really like our chemistry. I know love is all about taking chances. But are these signs being revealed early or am I just so hurt from the past that I'll use any excuse to protect myself???