
I wasn't feeling very well so I went to the Drs but they said I was fine, just flu like symptoms and I just need to take paracetamol and rest. The next night I stayed at my boyfriends like normal and I had Upto 4 tonic clonic seizures in bed next to him. I ended up in hospital and had to stay overnight as I had the seizures due to a high temperate, from an underlying virus. I used to have seizures when I was younger but it was never epilepsy and I haven't had one for 15 years. Im really confused why I randomly had one after all this time and I'm scared it's going to happen again. I've got to go back for an MRI and a CT scan to make sure there isn't anything wrong with my brain (epilepsy). I was wondering if anyone else had been through this or have seizures regularly and if so, if they do anything specifically to recover as having a seizure is like running a marathon... You wake up really sore the next day but it carries on for nearly a week 😔

**UPDATE** thank you for your comments. It turns out I had the flu! So glad I've had my flu jab this year