Hilarious confession stories

This past summer my whole family went to Florida for a little vacation. Well while we were there my brother and I went to the beach to smoke weed. Well we got really high and started to catch crabs. He was putting them in his pockets. We got back to the room and we decided it would be funny to put some of the bigger crabs on my other brothers chest. We were getting the crabs out and while we were they all escaped and ran under the furniture. We put the big crabs on my brother and stood there laughing our asses off until he woke up. Well he woke up and he was pissed off because we were standing there laughing but he didn't really care about the crabs 😂😂 well the next morning I guess my dad woke up and saw all the little crabs scuttling across the floor and kept telling people that they infest hotels by the beach like cockroaches HAHAHAHA 😂😂😂 I can look back at that night and start laughing anytime. Tell me your funny stories!