
I regret ever going on birth control. Ever since stopping I've had horrible issues with my period and can't ovulate on a schedule. It happens whenever it wants to right now. I've been trying for 9 months to conceive my first baby. I've had one miscarriage in that time. Today is my nephew's 1st birthday and he's honestly so perfect. He has gorgeous blue eyes and huge, cheesy grin. He sleeps all night and has done so since he was 3 months old. He's perfect, to say the least. I just pray so hard that my chance will come. I want nothing more than to be a mom. I am sitting here looking at his 1 year photos and sobbing because it hurts so badly. Quitting birth control has made it so hard for my period to start regularly, when I was extremely regular before. Does anyone else have these issues? Am I just being selfish? Emotional?