Clomid cycle #1

Renata ✨ • A long struggle ttc our rainbow baby, remaining positive & hopeful
So after trying to concieve for 15 months on our own & having 3 suspected miscarries over the last 2 years we went to a fertility clinic this month. The doctor was so laid back & wasn't stressed about our situation given that we are 23 & we have time on our side! 
I have PCOS so I don't ovulate regularly so I'm pretty much the problem! 
He put me on clomid & I got my PEAK fertility with clear blue digital on the 14-15th of feb & we BD 2 days before & on days 14th, 15th & 16th of Feb! 
Since ovulating my nipples have been super dooper sore & ive been so hungry & tired! 
Today I've had slight tugging sensation on either side. 
Has anyone ever experienced this? Or even success on the first clomid cycle? 
I know people are so much worse off then me but it's gut wrenching telling my partner each month that I'm not going to be making him a daddy in 9 months!