I want to cheat on my boyfriend

My first relationship was long term, almost two year. It was kind of a FWB thing, but we were practically together. I knew I could be with anyone I wanted, but I loved him so much I only wanted him.
He dumped me for a different girl, and I got into hookups, and I really enjoyed myself. I loved interacting with new people and going on those adventures. 
In December, I got my first real boyfriend. I didn't even like him that much, and it was hard for me. I felt like I had something weighing me down, and keeping me from opening new doors. I ended up breaking up with him after a month. 
Two weeks later, I've gotten together with my current boyfriend, he's my best friends firend. Now, I like him a lot. But I still have that earge to cheat on him. Not out of love for the other guy, but it's hard for me to think about the fact that I can't. And that if someone hits on me I won't be able to "check" if I'd like him better then the guy I'm already with. 
I KNOW CHEATING IS HORRIBLE, and I won't do it. But I wonder if anyone else had that earge or if somethings messed up with me?