So I've had my period for about 3-4 months now and every time it comes early and ends super late. I'm due mine in 5 days and it has already come. And my last was early at the start and ended late so it was 15 days long. It's heavy at the start, regular, light and finally heavy and then I have spotting until my next period. And then my period comes early and it's bloody hell again in the space of 2 weeks. And for those to weeks it's heavy spotting 😂😂😂 It's like a period for the  whole month. Some times I get lucky and it becomes regular (like 7 days) and other times I have no spotting which is another stroke of luck😂😂 
I need Tips on how I can handle this please or like medication or something because it's embarrassing looking like a murder happend in my school pants😂 thanks 💕