Am I just being emotional?

My husband and I got married in July and are expecting our first baby together. He has a daughter from a previous relationship that we have on holidays and most weekends. He works really long hours and I'm usually asleep when he leaves for work and asleep by the time he comes home. On weekends that we have his daughter he leaves straight from work to pick her up and spends time at his parents before coming home around 9:00. When we don't have his daughter he is usually on call at work and ends up working full days. 
I feel like I never see him and I'm starting to feel really lonely because I spend most days and nights by myself. When we were dating we lived two and a half hours away from each other. He took off weekends and I would come to him or he would come to me depending on whether or not he had his daughter. Eventually I moved in with him. Now I'm starting to regret moving away from my family and friends out to the middle of nowhere. I think that it is definitely important for him to spend time with his daughter and I appreciate everything that he does for our family but I wish he was home more. Do you think this is bothering me more because I'm more emotional than usual?