Went in on Tuesday to flip baby and ended up having a c-section delivery

Went in on Tuesday to flip baby and ended up having a c-section delivery. (Turns out the cord was wrapped around her neck 2 times and that's why she refused to flip. Thank God for c-sections!) 
Thea Elizabeth was born at 1:55pm. 6lb 11oz. 19 inches. Her little lungs were filled with fluid and her liver was overproducing so she was flown out to Bismarck at 12 am to be taken care of in their NICU. If you could keep little Thea in your prayers we would be so grateful, and that we can go be with her soon. I have yet to be discharged after my surgery to go be with her. To say I'm torn to pieces that I can't be with her and holding her is an understatement.