Scared that Bf isnt ready To be a dad

I got pregnant only after dating My Bf for 6 months. We have moved in together and everything is ok except he keeps partying up with his boys it's not an everyday thing more like an one day of the weekend thing. I feel lonely and don't want him to go. I get jealous that he doesn't have to scrafice anything while I have scrafice everything I don't regret a single thing my son is the best thing that has happened to me but I feel sad. I talk to him about it and he said he just going out and having fun with the guys that he has to experience that (he is 22) that before he met me he didn't go out which is true. He went out tonight and I got emotional and started crying he asked me if I wanted him to cancel and I said no but kept a face on. I feel like he left sad and disappointed. Now I'm feeling guilty and sad. Any advice ladies?