
I dunno, maybe I'm being rude but I'm so tired of people stopping me in public to ask about my twins. At first I didn't mind but now it's on my nerves so bad. Every time I'm at the store trying to run through and get what I need before they wake up to eat or cry people stop and want to talk. I honestly know they are just being nice and it's rare to see twins but I wish they understood how hard it is to have 2 babies by yourself out in public. Tonight this lady literally cornered my sister and I asking tons of questions and then when we tried to walk away she followed. And last time I had them out a lady ran down the aisle to see them and talk. I'm already protective of them and don't like strangers around because I don't know if they are sick. I would just like to get what I need and leave without being questioned. Am I being ridiculous here or am I justified in feeling this way? Does this happen to everyone with multiples?