Just a thought....

Hi everyone, not having a moan or a rant but just wondering if anyone else really down when all the bfp' are posted on ttc 30's page? I'm so happy for the ladies that are getting their exciting news. However Is it bad that I sometimes wish the announcements were made on the announcements page. Every month the witch shows up and I turn to this page for support and to remind me I am not alone and for every one post or topic that is ttc there seem to be 5+ BFP announcements. Just makes me feel even worse 😢.
I get people want to let their cycle buddies know and to celebrate, give others hope etc. But I can get that from the announcements page. 
I like being in the same boat as you ladies and having the support but the day AF turns up I can't bear to look on here anymore. I don't want to come across as bitter and jealous or pee on anyone's parade but we are all at different stages of this journey and there is a section for each of us to get the support that we need for that particular stage 😥😩😰😓😪🤐 x