Trying to stay positive!

Meli • Engaged. 25 with a 7yo Daughter. Baby boy born Oct 17th, Napa CA
My fiancé and I were pregnant exactly this time last year 2015, and miscarried. When I was suppose to be 10 weeks my ultrasound showed the baby measuring 6w&some days. They gave me medication so my body would release the baby because it wasn't doing anything on its own.. No cramping, spotting, or bleeding until medication. Worse thing I have ever been through in my life. Losing a baby/child at any time is unbearable! I gave up and let myself heal, got my mind back in the right place to take care of myself before trying agin since the both of us took it really hard. I have a healthy 7 year old daughter & my fiancé and I are both 25. In January we decided to try agin by marking the calendar and having intercourse the every other day especially on my "fertile days" and that included the day I ovulated. I took a pregnancy test on Febuary 12th (two days before missed period, First Response) and I couldn't believe it I got a BFP on our first month actually trying! I'm excited but also terrified. I can't help but feel there is something telling me everything is going to be fine this time especially since my symptoms make me feel like I'm 8 months prego it's ridiculous. Everything besides actual vomiting! I've read so many of your stories and there are so many lovely ladies on here that I seriously look up to! Praying for everyone on here!