Thoughts? Advice?

*•A•* • In a relationship
Kind of long, sorry. So I've been with my SO for 4 years. We are 20 turning 21 this year. We both go to a community college nearby. He wants to transfer next Sping and I will transfer the following Fall. Recently, he's asked me if I would move in with him if he got his own place and I told him it depends. 
Here's my situation. I still live with my parents (fairly well off financially) and I'm living rent free, I have dinner with them, they pay for my education, and paid for my car. I do have a job and I've recently gotten a raise, I'm honestly only working to just save up for my own expenses like gas, food (when I go out), vacations, clothes, etc. I know it makes me sound like a brat, mind you, I'm very thankful for what my parents have provided me with and I appreciate everything and help out however I can. I have a great relationship with my parents and we are family close. Especially my mom.  The thing is, they believe I shouldn't move out because I have everything here especially if it would be with my boyfriend. I would honestly love to move in with him, but they have given me so much and even though I would pay for everything on my own, they still think I should just stay until I am married and more financially stable. They bring up very good points, but I'm financially stable enough to move out now and find a place with my SO. 
I know it's ultimately my decision, but pehaps some of you can give me some insight or personal experience. Thanks!