Shut your face...


I need to vent - I'm not sure which emotion I'm feeling more - anger, frustration, embarrassment, or just plain hurt.

Was at the grocery store today, as I was walking thru the parking lot to go in there was a car that turned into a space in front of me with 2 ladies inside of it. I had stopped walking so they could grab the spot and continued about my business. I stopped at the atm outside of the grocers to pull out 40$ for something I was doing later and as I was going thru the process I hear a girl behind me talking to her friend I thought, but after a couple of moments I realized they were speaking to me. I turned and apologized for not paying attention and they proceeded to inform me of the following:

I disgust them. I'm fat and ugly and should feel ashamed to leave the house. I should ride a bike cause at least I'd be trying to lose weight. If I want a man to ever love me, I should seriously consider losing weight and trying to look pretty.

I thanked them for their opinions but proceed to point out that I'm not only married with 2 amazing kids, but I'm also 5 weeks away from giving birth to my 3rd!

I ended up not walking inside the store, but instead walked back to me car where I sat sobbing for God knows how long before driving home and climbing my big pregnant self into bed. Who speaks to people like that?? Why would someone feel their opinion is so valuable to some else? Am I a plus size lady, yes I am....but that doesn't make me any less of a human with feelings.

Please consider others before you speak negatively.