Need 2nd time Labor Experiences Plz

Hello all May mommies. I am so excited but the wait is getting harder amd harder as our beautiful day is getting closer. So I am a 2nd time mom and am currently 28 wks. With my first i had a very horrible experience with labor. I was 41 weeks and 3 days when my dr started myinduction at hospital. I was in labor for 50 hours and had to have a vacum assiteddeliery. Iwas 0cm dilated before labor and 0% effaced. I was havinf contarctions but they were not close together. I am very worried about thos pregnancy labor too. Im worried what if i have to go over my due date and what if i need to be induced   again? By the way my height is 5'4 and pre pregnancy weight was 98lbs and am currently 117lbs. With my first my pre pregnancy weight was 105lbs and ended up on my last week being 132lbs. Please share your second pregnancy labor and birth stories such as how many weeks were you when you had tour second child and if labor was natural or indued, and for how many hpurs were u in labor for, and when your water broke.