Is he playing games with me?

I saw him today after a month of trying to work things out. First let me say this, he is the worst texter, he'll text me and never reply back after whatever. Today I saw him, of course I'm nervous as ever because I really like him. He opened the door and smiled at me. This isn't my first time sleeping with him so I slept with him again today. We joked a little and then I went home. But as soon I was stepping outside, he told me to text him when I get to the train. I texted him when I got home because I didn't wanna text right away and seem idk annoying and he never replied back to me. It's like really bothering me that he didn't answer. I know he seen his phone, I'm not stupid. What do I do? Cus now. I'm just wanna curse him out. I just want him to love me that's all 😔😔😔. I had an abortion beginning of February by him and I honestly feel it made me feel more attached to him