Boyfriends Anger

My boyfriend and I have been back together for 8 months now. We've been living together for 6 of those. I love him so much and I really do believe he is the man for me, but there are some things I didn't know about him the last time we were together that have become a factor in our relationship now, and they're making me question whether it is a healthy relationship. He has some really bad anger problems. To the point where he physically abuses himself whenever we fight. Not only does he punch himself in the face and head, he will use objects around him too. It started off small, grabbing shoes or his phone and hitting himself. But now he will grab his skateboard or other bigger objects. He grabbed a fork a couple weeks ago and had marks in his arm from where he had been almost Stabbing himself.  He has never tried to hurt me, and says he hurts himself because he feels so bad when he hurts my feels or if we fight and he says or does something to hurt me. It feels like it's my fault he's hurting himself, and I don't know if I should leave so it will stop, or if that will just make it worse. I feel like it's something he needs my help to get through, but it's so hard to handle and to watch him do to himself. And honestly when he gets really angry it does scare me he would accidently hurt me. His dad is 16 years sober because he was an alcoholic who hit his wife. I know my BF would never try to hurt me, but he gets so violent, and I really worry he's going to seriously hurt himself. I've told him
Over and over that he needs help, and if he doesn't get it I will leave. But I fell like I can't leave him on his own like this. And I don't want to. I love him. I want to work through this. But I'm scared shitless, and I don't know if it's worth it, or if I can handle it. I'm almost 22 and he's almost 23, it shouldn't be this hard this young right?? In our last apartment our neighbors called the cops on us FOUR times in 5 months because he was screaming and throwing things and punching doors and walls. Whenever we fight anymore he goes hysterical and it turns into a huge ordeal. He has said recently he will see a doctor and get help, but I'm having a hard time believing he's actually going to work on it. Is it worth me sticking around to find out??