Should I put a garlic clove in my vagina?

I have a yeast infection and I had one maybe a year ago. It was horrible and the over the counter topical medication I'm pretty sure made things worse. I've been trying at home remedies and so far I've frozen unsweetened yogurt with live cultures by putting it into a glove so that the shape is kind of like a tampon. Then I shoved it up. It felt soooo relieving. I also tried a tampon that was soaked in coconut in me for a bit. All of the home remedy articles I read says to put a garlic clove in my vagina over night. Laci green also recommended doing it and tying a piece of floss to the clove. 
I'm feeling more relieved than when I was doing nothing yesterday for it. But I want to be completely rid of this thing ASAP. I don't know about putting a garlic clove in my vagina. What do you think? 

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