
Yesenia • 17, FTM to a baby girl, Marley.
I am being induced Tuesday and was wondering what should I expect? How long does it take for pitocin to kick in, cervix to dilate and etc. Any tips or advice?
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I was induced on the 4th. I went to the hopsital for high blood pressure, was admitted and having contractions 3 min apart and didn't even know. I was checked and at 1cm baby was -3. They put a foley bulb in at 8:10pm and at 12am when it fell out I was 3cm. They started the pitocin at 12:10am, I was fine for a bit... 4am my water broke naturally and by 5am I was feeling extremely bad contractions, I was 5cm. 8:30am I got my epidural put in because I couldn't take the pain anymore. Check at 11am still 5cm. C-section was starting to become talked about because they were worried about my blood pressure but... I thankfully started progressing. 12pm I was at a 6, 1pm I was an 8 and 1:50 a 10. At 2pm exactly I started pushing and baby girl made her appearance at 3:14pm.


Am • Feb 22, 2016
Also, I feel the only reason I started dialating was because my nurse made me sit up in bed, Indian style. I honestly feel like that's the only reason I was able to not have a c-section. I don't think I would have progressed otherwise


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I was induced last Wednesday. I went in and they checked me, I was only 1cm. They put a folley bulb in at 1:30.. It came out at 3:45- dilated 3cm... Started my pitocin at 4:15 and hard contractions for me started about 4:20... Epidural at 7pm.. 8:15pm dilated 6cm... 8:30 dilated 9.5 and it was baby time!! Little man arrived at 8:41pm 😊