13 weeks tomorrow!

Briana • 31 years old. Mommy to boy/girl twins. Born 5 weeks early at 35 weeks and 1 day.
12 weeks 6 days today. My 2nd doc appt was early this morning! The 6 week wait sure was long and slow!! Glad I got to see my babies!! They are healthy and measuring perfect!! Baby A heart beat is 169 and baby B heart beat is 165. Got to hear their heart beats for the 1st time today!! The nurse guessed what they might be but knows still too early, but told us what they were. We won't get our hopes up til we actually confirm it March 21st when I'm 16 weeks due to having twins. Baby A is a boy and Baby B is a girl. We are so thrilled and certainly blessed with these babies!! We cannot wait for them to be here in August!! Baby A cooperated today but Baby B wouldn't stop moving her little butt around. It was surreal to see on the screen that she was moving around!! 😊😍❤