Feeling unappreciated.

My bf and I recently got our own house, but we've been living together for the past 2 years. I'm 38 weeks pregnant with our first, and I feel so unappreciated. I stay at home and he goes to work so I don't expect a whole lot from him, but it's so frustrating that I can't get him to help me with anything. I had to argue with him to build the baby's crib. He wanted to wait til baby came home. I cook and clean for him and don't get a simple thank you when dinners done. I can't remember the last time he was the first to say I love you. He really only shows affection when he wants sex. When we get around other females I feel like he keeps his distance so it doesn't look like we are together. Ugh of course this is just a rant but I hate this feeling and if I say anything to him he'll of course deny all of it. Just want to feel like I'm not just the maid and the sex toy.