Hope after multiple losses!

Heather • Mother to one boy, three babies with wings, pregnant for the fifth time
I want to share my story for anyone who needs a little hope. 
I am 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. This is my fourth pregnancy after three miscarriages. Of course, I have been terrified of having another. To make matters worse, I have had some amount of bleeding or spotting every day for the past three weeks. 
Despite the bleeding, my first ultrasound just before six weeks looked normal, but it was too soon to hear a heart beat. 
Today, we went back for a second ultrasound and there was a heart beat! Apparently the bleeding is implantation bleeding and isn't a problem. This doesn't necessarily mean everything will be OK in the end, but for now we're feeling very relieved. We've cleared a big hurdle. 
If anyone wants to share, I would love to hear success stories from moms who have had healthy pregnancies after a loss or losses.