So. We have been TTC for a few months. Just going with the flow. Well my husbands sister (who is barely, barely 18) has been fooling around with a bunch of guys since 17 years old (and probably long before). And she's not trying to prevent pregnancy. You should know that she is CRAZY bipolar and CRAZY in general. No diploma or GED, no job. No car. Lives at home. Druggie. Smokes. I could go on and on. She is so childish that I can't even handle to be around her. And not only that, she is finally just recently coming off of using my meth. Which is a very big step but she only did it to start up crap between the family and for attention. Which worked cause she had everyone fooled but us and her little brother. Well she is supposed to take a test to see if she's pregnant today. And I swear if she is pregnant, I'm going to just jump off a cliff. Like why. Wtf. How can someone be so ignorant and ridiculous to set there and try for a baby with multiple guys, on drugs, with absolutely no education or job. We want another so very bad and I can just see her ending up pregnant before we do. It just makes me so angry. And of course she is doing it all for attention and what not. But if we were to get pregnant and she does to, I honestly would not want anyone to know cause she would be the talk of the show and we wouldn't matter. Jealous? Yes. I would be if she is pregnant. Because it's not fair. Having a baby is supposed to be special, and loving. And with her, she just tears everyone apart. She is nothing but drama and she thrives off of it. She literally enjoys watching others suffer. The only reason I put up with it is cause she's some what of a decent person to my son. Just makes me so freaking angry!!!!! I feel terrible for putting her out there, but she is just not a good person. I love her. But I can't stand the choices she makes. She pretends to know it all, but she's so childish. Now I know I had my first when I was 18. But I was in a long term relationship, I had my education, I had a job and a stable home. And she has the complete opposite. Why. Like why!!!!! Rant over. Comment if you'd like.