Self-Driving Cars... What do you think?

Yertle 🐢 • Enjoying the journey as a wife, mother, and a someone who cares a whole awful lot.
Car manufacturers are pouring more and more money into teching up cars. The self-driving car has already had a prototype out on the streets, but with the increasing technology, Business Insider suggests that the increase of technology in cars has a clear future trajectory: 
"Now that the auto and tech industries have effectively reimagined the car as a tethered internet device, the logical next step is cars that talk to each other.

Such vehicles will eventually be driving themselves — because you need vehicles to communicate with each other and their surroundings in order to operate autonomously."

Insurance company Allstate has already begun warning about the dangers of self-driving cars, particularly the "what ifs" associated with hacking. 

So if and when these cars become available, would you trust them - both to be safe from hacking, and to provide a safe ride? Would you want one? Why or why not? 

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