5 dpo today ahhhh! πŸ™ˆπŸ™Š

Chantelle β€’ I'm 22, my partner is 23. Ttc baby #1 can't wait for our little miracle, follow me or add me on Facebook and we can support eachother :)

It's getting closer to when I can test hehe! I'm 5dpo today, is anybody else? Symptoms I've got are:

- Sensitive nipples (not too much to notice)

- Slight dull cramps

- Tired! (not like me to be this tired!)

- Increased appetite

- Dry heaving :/ had that at 2&3 dpo

- Little nauseous

- watery cm (to the point it makes my underwear wet! Sorry tmi πŸ™ˆ) it's not as much today though.

- Had like a gas pain on my right side last night?

- Little bloating

I'm not over thinking these symptoms. I don't want to get my hopes up this cycle, but at the moment I'm feeling positive about this cycle, maybe it's my month?