Need to tell someone!

January • 👦🏼🧒🏻+👶🏼🎀 on the way!
I just need to get this out of my system! I can't tell my husband because he is already anxious at the idea that this is even a possibility and my good friend who has been in the loop has a sick kid. But I needed to get this off my chest and hopefully get some reassurance! 
So I lost my little girl at just before 18 weeks on Jan 15. Today I'm 5 wks 4 days post l&d.
10 days ago I started having very familiar O twinges in my right hip (the hip opposite to the one I had pain in when I conceived my daughter) and then 9 days ago my husband and I had dtd. We had a moment of sad weakness and he did not pull out. 
I thought because of the fact that I was still spotting and because I still had a very small amount of hcg in my system (I've been testing) that would mean pregnancy was impossible. Today at 10 dpo (which is the dpo I got the positive with my daughter) I took a test with fmu. The test is darker than it was a few days ago, it was almost gone. I just don't know what to think! And the only way to know is to wait and test again tomorrow and seeing my OB on Friday. But waiting is the -worst-! Especially because I feel since my body hasn't healed, miscarriage is inevitable 😔