Best way to end a relationship.

I want to end my relationship. Kids are involved. (2). My soon to be ex has cheated since day 1(emotionally) he is constantly txting girls CONSTANTLY or he makes some adultspace page over and over again. Like a dummy I listen when he says "it won't happen again" ( I've been Dumb for 3 years😒) each time I catch him he says He's sorry and he has a "problem" I've tried to forgive him but over the years it's caused a lot of problems in our relationship I don't trust him and I resent him when I think of what he's done. Anyone ever dealt with just finally leaving? Im not mad at him, im mad at myself because I should have left the first time! He told me he had a "problem" right ? Still I stayed and believed things would change😔 they didn't Im so hurt because I give this (excuse me) bitch everything!!!! I just feel so low Im a skinny girl and every time I see him online talking to girls they have these huge butts! That makes me feel like a piece of shit because if he loved me he would see how much this hurts me. I was in labor with his daughter and he was on kik messaging other girls saying he loves them and wants them to have his babies girls he doesn't even know ugh I'm finally fed up because last night I found out he was on a dating sex site😔 why me? I know there are loyal men out there but I'm so afraid to give my all to someone. Im in tears now because so many years have been invested. My kids could be by someone else now I have to introduce someone else into their life. Sorry this is so long and thank you for reading. How did you end a relationship ? Whenever I bring it up we argue! 
Edit** he lives w me! His name isn't on the lease so do I serve a 30 day notice to get him out? Or do I just leave the home? 
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Posted at
There's no way I would be leaving my own house..I would pack his shit up while he's gone and leave it outside the front door for him to come home to. With a note that explains why his stuff is outside and that you want him gone. His name isn't on the lease so you shouldn't have to leave..why uproot yourself and kids because of something HE DID? He's the problem, make him leave. 


Posted at
If the lease is in just your name, hand him his stuff and show him the door. You've been more than patient and you don't owe him a damn thing!


Posted at
Get him to leave if you can . If not start panning. Find a new place to live . Don't even tell him . When he is at work remove all that is yours and your kids and 50% of the joint belongings since you are entitled to half. That's it it's over and done with.


Posted at
You're most likely unable to leave right now because you are on the lease. If you have the means to move, I'd give the landlord the 30 day notice while giving you BF a 30 day notice as well. Find a good place for you and your children and don't let him close to you again. You guys have children, so maybe start looking into opening a child custody/support case. Start fresh girly. I'm sorry you're going through this :( I wish you the best with your little ones.


Posted at
I cannot offer sound advice as I have never been in your shoes (I have no children yet) but it is good for you to come to this conclusion, that you deserve better. There will be no easy way to go about this and it's gonna hurt everyone regardless of how you go about it coz breakups hurt but you've got this!You have obviously thought that leaving is the best thing for you and your children so stay strong and surround yourself with positivity and love xxxMy heart goes out to you but so do my bestest best wishes xxx


Posted at
If he's not on the lease then he needs to leave! I'm sure he has other places that he can go! Don't break your lease, tell your landlord to change the locks, the most you'll have to pay for that is $25-$50 make it easier for him and pack his ish yourself and leave it for him by the front door to pick up


Posted at
Leave. It's him, not you. He's a loser if he just sits online this way. It's an addiction and it won't go away. 


Danielle • Feb 23, 2016
There's no good way to do it except quickly. Just get your stuff and start staying somewhere else. Tell him to start doing the same.


Posted at
When my ex husband of 10 years, high school sweet hearts and all that, cheated.. I forgave him twice... I needed up just packing and leaving after the third one, who he's now married to. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and make the stance and move yourself. With kids involved it can be more difficult, I definately get that, being a kid of a situation like this, however, you need to do what's right for you mentally and emotionally so you can be there and focused on your kids. Do you have family or a friend you can stay with for a bit? To help with the adjustment and issues that may come? Just stay calm, plan, and then move forward. Best of luck to you and kiddos. 


Posted at
I'd just tell him your done being BS'd around that you obviously don't matter to him or he wouldn't be doing the crap he's doing to you! That you feel you & your kids would be better off away from him that way he can talk to & do whatever he wants to! Don't get upset or mad when telling him just try to stay calm & try not to show any emotion to him (even though I know deep down you love him or you wouldn't have stayed this long) it'll be hard but just be honest with him & tell him you & the kids are leaving point blank! I'm sure he'll beg forgiveness & say it'll never happen again, that's when you say you've forgiven to many times & it keeps happening that he needs to get help with his "problem". He'll never be able to be with anybody faithfully if he doesn't! I'm so sorry your having to go through this especially with kids involved I know that makes it 10x harder!! Just keep your head up & stand your ground it'll all work out for you in the end!!! Good luck sweetie!


Posted at
I've was with my bf for 7yrs we have a 1 1/2 yr old and I feel the same way about it being over and in the future having to introduce him to someone else :( I never wanted that for my son I wanted us to be a family forever but he doesn't want to be with me and I can't do anything about , he most likely has someone else and that's reason enough not to be with him, keeping our head up and doing are best for our children is the best we could do 


Bb • Feb 24, 2016