First child during labor?

💜Bran Stark💙 • Parent of 3
What did you do with your first child during labor? I'm pregnant with my second and this is stressing me out so much. We are planning another birth center birth, so we will easily be able to bring our child and anyone else to the birth center while I labor and deliver.
The problem is we don't have anyone to watch our child. Our best friend has a son of her own and is taking a new job and will not be able to ask for time off the day of delivery. My family disowned me when I was pregnant with my first. His family is not interested/not helpful. His mom is going through a divorce and has a three year old of her own.
My little one will be two and a half years old. Generally an independent child who will play alone for hours as long as she's not hungry. I'm worried how she will react to labor and seeing me in pain, plus my husband will have to be there for both me and her and I think that's stretching him thin. Doula seemed like an option, but my husband said it's too expensive.
What did everyone do for their child? Was your child in the room with you? How old were they and how did they react?