Help with pregnancy!!!

Okay I have been having all pregnancy symptoms I have been vomiting every day for almost two weeks, my period is 23 days late, I have been having tender breaths and frequent urination, i had spotting about 3 weeks ago for a couple days, I have been constipated and craving weird things. I took a blood test 4 days after I missed my period it was negative the doctor told me it could be to early. 4 days ago I took four home tests two positive and two negative. Today as I am 23 days late I took a pee test at the doctor and it was negative. Where do I go from here I honestly believe I am pregnant I feel weird and there is nothing else to explain all of the symptoms. Help, does anyone have a story of not getting a positive pregnancy test until later on after missing period or far along in your pregnancy? My mom and boyfriends mom both believe I am pregnant. Can the urine test be wrong? Or since I am a teen could myhcg levels not be high enough yet?