TWW .. Just venting

Just venting ..
Had a missed miscarriage in November, found out at 9 weeks that there was no heartbeat. Had a D&C on December 1st and got my period the end of December. 
We tried again right away (Doctor did not suggest otherwise) and in January I got 2 vvf positives but unfortunately I think it was chemical because I got my period 2 days later :( 
Now here I am in my TWW again and trying really hard not to symptom spot .. I have had a little cramping, my breasts feel full but not sore and I gagged the past 2 mornings after I woke up but other than that nothing. I am trying really hard to hold off testing until after AF is late but just not knowing is killing me.
I know a lot of us are in the same boat unfortunately. I wish you guys the best of luck! .. Anyone else in their TWW and period due around 3/5?