Racial Fetish- Annoyed

Lifeislovely • Mommy to one gorgeous boy and three angel babies. Getting ready to have my rainbow baby girl in February 2021.
Is anyone else (whose in an interacial relationship) frustrated by the people on this app or in general who are suggesting to you or your partner have a racial fetish?  So aggravating that people who have no experience with this feel it's ok to say this.  Or worse when it is suggested that one of you is in the relationship because of fetishizing a light skinned baby. No - if I wanted a light skinned baby I would have just been with a white man.  I am white.  It also suggests that he is with me for that reason.  I can 100% honestly say that he never said anything like that before our son was born.  He was not fetishizing a mixed baby.  People who say this with no experience whatsoever piss me off to no end.  They are repeating what they see on social media and applying it to real people.   
Anyone else irritated by this?