My Water broke at 7:10PM on 2/19/2016 the day of my due date so we went into the hospital around 8:3...

Ashley • 30 , Married 💍 Christina , Mariana & Francisco 💜💗🖤
My Water broke at 7:10PM on 2/19/2016 the day of my due date so we went into the hospital around 8:30 and they immediately admitted me. But I wasn't feeling any contractions so they hooked me up and monitored both myself and baby boy , all the while I was 4 cms dilated . At around 10 I started feeling contraction and was still only 4 cms. I decided to get an epidural around 2AM and at that point was only 5 cms. So around 330AM they decided to hook me up to pitocin to give me harder contractions to dilate me faster & again at 7AM. I finally got to 6cms at around 715AM . And was fully dilated to 10cms at 930. So they went ahead and got everything ready and called the doctor. I started pushing at 9:37Am 3 pushes and 5 minutes later my baby boy Francisco Nicholes was born at 8 lbs 5 oz & 20 inches long!! 
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My DD is Friday and I have no signs of labor and just want my baby boy here now!!!! 


Ashley • Feb 24, 2016
Wednesday and Thursday I ate fresh pineapple and had sex since hearing sperm helps thin out the cervix! Good luck :)


Ashley • Feb 24, 2016
I was the same way , for the last week I didn't have any signs of labor whatsoever , I had no contractions I was dilated at 2cms for 2 weeks . I was really thinking that this little boy was going to be late and I would have to be induced! So there's still hope :)