PPD and Military

Im finally coming to terms with the fact that I may be suffering from PPD. From day one I haven't felt connected with my daughter and I've been miserable at home. My daughter is a month old. Sometimes when she cries I get way more frustrated than I should and I put her down and have to continuously tell myself she's just a baby and needs me and can't help it. I have to put her down and breathe for a moment so I don't break down. I love her but there have been quite a few moments that I've regretted becoming a mom and I feel so horrible about that. On top of everything I don't feel like eating, I don't want to leave my room (but I do because otherwise my boyfriend gets on me about it), I feel like he and I are losing our connection and I just want to go back to work so that I can get away from the baby for a few hours and home and actually be around people. 
I have a check up with my doctor on Monday and I'm going to talk to her about it.
I'm also in the national guard and I drill 2 1/2 hours away and although I want to get away from home for a few hours at a time, I'm so anxious about going back to drill and pumping and being away for weekends at a time. I'm wondering if there's anyway for my doctor to recommend for me to split train closer to home if she decides that I do have PPD (I have a unit that's let me split as much as I wanted when I was too sick to go to my unit). 
Does anyone have any insight on this?