Period? Maybe tmi

Arianna • With the love of my life and mother to our handsome little boy ❤️
I'm a month postpartum exactly today. I pump, but lately my milk supply has cut down a lot making me wanna give up.. I could pump for an hour and maybe get .5 oz. it's so frustrating! So now I only pump maybe once a day, I know, I was told the more I pump the more I'll make but that doesn't work for me. Anyways, today I noticed That I have some brown discharge. It's look like when your period is almost over, the old blood kind of brown. And I've noticed some very very mild cramping. Could this be my period starting?? Btw, a few days ago we decided to have sex and had an accident so I got planB just to be safe. How long after vaginal birth did your period start??