Need an opinion on a relationship

My boyfriend and I have been on and off for a year and a half. He broke up with me a couple months ago and immediately started dating another girl. A month later, he came crawling back to me and asked for anther chance. Of course I gave him another chance. And for a while he truly seems he's sorry and that he is in love with me with what he says to me. But lately, he isn't who he had been since we started dating again. He is the person that he was in the last couple days before he broke up with me. We fight but we figure it out and we forgive each other. I let him know what's on my mind and he takes them into consideration and tries to fix it. But then once we fight, he decides to do what pisses me off and use things against me and hold things over my head when I apologized and he told me he wasn't mad for those things anymore. I told him I get jealous when he talks to other girls and he said he wouldn't because our relationship is more important. But a couple days later, he uses it against me saying that I get mad when he talks to other girls when j told him he could and it was up to him on what he did. He told me he wouldn't because we were more important. 
I guess I just want an opinion on what I should do. If I should stay with him or break up with him. If I stay, I need ways on how to fix things and make them go back to what he used to be. He realized that he loved me and wanted to be with me when he realized he made a mistake by going out with that other girl. But I don't want it to be where he has to date another girl for him to realize that he loves me again. So I don't know what to do and I need help.