Don't give up hope

Wanted to share my cool ultrasound pic but it needs a little back took us 3 yrs and 3 miscarriages to get preg and have a normal preg with our now 3.5yr old little girl. Then it took us 2.5yrs and two more miscarriages to get preg this time. We did <a href="">IUI</a> and got preg with twins. Everything was going great until my 15 week scan and found out that baby B stopped growing at about 10weeks 😢. We were sad but so thankful that other baby was doing well! Then we had our 19 week anatomy scan and got this! Looks like someone is watching out for my strong remaining little lady in there ❤️ I'm now 24 weeks and doing good still! Don't give up hope will happen when it's suppose to 😊