Shattered hopes

So my husband just told me that he no longer wants to have a baby with me. I've never felt so heartbroken in my whole life. More than anything I want a family with him but I guess that's not going to happen. His reasoning is he doesn't want to have to share me. I told him that is extremely selfish and he said he doesn't care. He wants to go on vacations and do things freely even though he works 6 days a week 12-14 hour days and we've literally never gone anywhere and to boot we have a dog with no one to watch him. So we can't just ever pick up and go. I'm very depressed now because I don't understand how all of a sudden everything changed. My wants don't seem to matter at all. I get that he's 11 years older than I am but family is very important to me. How do I go on now and just pretend to be ok knowing that I'll never have the family I want?