My roller coaster story pregnant or not?

It is all started the day that I missed my period. I took a first response test and thought that I could see a very faint line. The next day, I took another first response with again a very faint line. That night, I took a clear blue digital that said not pregnant. The next morning (day 3 missed period) I took 2 more first response tests that had very faint lines again. I called my primary care physician to get blood work. Again, (day 4 of missed period) I took a clear blue digital and said not pregnant. Blood results came back inconclusive and I had HCG level of exactly 5. She said we can't confirm or deny that you are pregnant. Then told me to call my OBGYN. He ordered another blood test which I went and got today and will get results tomorrow morning. I also took a regular clear blue test that once again has a faint line. :/ with my daughter I had very low hormone levels and I went to the ER at 2 weeks pregnant and they said my body was trying to miscarry. They put me on premetrium and now I have an awesome 6 year old daughter. I'm hoping this is baby number 2. Anyone else have similar experiences? The photo is of the clear blue I just took tonight.