So I created this group for those of us who are TTC after BC. 3 months ago my fiancé & I decided that we would like to TTC, however we had been trying to think of the best way possible, long before that, of how I could stop using the pill. 
Let me just start out by saying, I WAS CRAZY! In no way shape or form was I myself on the pill, in the past 3 years of being on BC, I had been on at least 7 different pills. 
I either was super angry, super depressed, extremely fatigued or literally felt like there was a demon inside me, and it was much worse while I was on my period. 
Getting off the pill has been the best thing I could have done, besides finally being in a great place in our lives for a baby, I'd been feeling so much more myself being off of it... Until the last few weeks. 
Lately I have been so depressed, & tired, my hormones literally feel like they're going crazy. It's not anything like the extremes of being on the pill, but it's pretty bad. I'm depressed about literally nothing. (TODAY I FEEL GREAT THOUGH, so maybe it's because I got off my period yesterday). 
HOWEVER, I suddenly have the worst acne of my life, before the pill & during I rarely had breakouts, if I did, they were minor. 
But now, I'm breaking out all over my face, and especially my neck & chest. It's so embarrassing, and because I do makeup on the side I feel a little more confident, but it's still extremely noticeable. 
I'd just like to hear everyone's stories about post BC & especially TTC after the pill/BC :) 
(OH BTW, I'm wearing a towel in this pic... Haha it's doesn't look like it at all!)