Post C-section nerve pain

Kelsey • Wife of Nate since June 29, 2012. After two miscarriages in 2012, our son, Alex was born January 24, 2016
I'm almost 5 weeks postpartum and for the last 2 weeks I've been having horrible pain, a burning pain off to one side of my incision. I talked to my doctor and she said its nerve pain. She said to give it a month and see if it gets better, if not then she might have to send me to a pain management clinic to get a steroid injection. She gave me a prescription for Tylenol 3 to take now. The Tylenol 3 barely helps and I'm trying not take more than 1 or 2 per day because she only gave me 20. Any one else experience nerve pain after a csection? Did it just go away? Was there anything they helped it? It's one thing to deal with the pain but add on caring for a newborn (a preemie newborn at that) and the sleep deprivation (mostly because of the baby but also because he pain is keeping me up when I do get to sleep) and I feel like I'm going crazy!