Horrible Mom (long vent)


My daughter will be 3 wks tomorrow and I have twin 4 year olds. Since I have been on maternity leave my boys have stayed with me after they come home from school. They only go to school until 10:30 because they are in a special needs program that is helping them develop (one has a speech delay and the other is autistic). My husband works nights so that leaves me home with all 3 alone and at times I honestly just want to break down and cry. Most of the time I am screaming at my 4 year olds because of what they are doing or what they shouldn't be doing then immediately after I feel like the worse mom ever. If I'm not upset I'm stressing. I stress about our money situation, our car situation, daycare. Daycare is the one I stress out about the most because I have no idea how we will be able to afford $300+ a wk for daycare, (in 2 wks thats my whole mortgage 😧).

I really don't have no one to talk to. When I talk to my husband he then feels bad and tells me he feels like he's failing our family. I dont have any friends here and the friends I do have seem like they are all too busy to talk to me when I reach out. All my family lives in a different state and my husband's family basically ignores us. When I was pregnant everyone vowed to be a helping hand but no one has even called or stopped by since I've had my daughter. I am starting to feel trapped in my own house and like I'm doing a horrible job at being a mother to my kids. I just don't know what to do...