When a condom breaks..

I've heard about condoms breaking, but it had never happened to my partner and I before. That is, until last week. Condoms have been our only form of birth control. We don't always use a condom, but he pulls out before he cums almost all of the time (with and without a condom) He has only not pulled out three times, all while wearing a condom (of the 3 years we've been having sex) One of those times happened to be when the condom broke recently.. at first he wanted me to take the morning after pill, but it's not recommended with the other medications I'm on. So we decided not to. We are in a long distance relationship and see each other once a month usually. I'm 17 and he's 20. I don't know when or if I should take a pregnancy test, or if I should just wait it out. I know some people have sex and don't use birth control or pulling out and don't get pregnant. Also some people do get pregnant the first time without birth control. So I don't know what to think.. should I take a pregnancy test? I've heard there's only certain times in a month/cycle that a woman can get pregnant and I've also heard that you have a chance of getting pregnant every single day of the month or cycle.. does anyone know which is accurate? How long should I wait before I take a pregnancy test? Any suggestions or advice?