Weird question, read description :)

Hope • I love people, animals & God. I play piano by ear, love to make people laugh, and am trying to figure out life!
Hey y'all, so I have a strange question that I'd like for y'all to poll or give me some feedback on. This could trigger some negative emotions in sexual assault survivors so if this is you, please don't read because I don't want to cause any harm!
So my question is, should I have sex with a guy to see if it is at all an enjoyable experience?
I have been raped, not once but twice now. Once when I was 15 and attacked. And recently this year on campus (I was 19, am 20 now). These were both terrible times and make me feel really disgusting as a person. I've hated men for so long. And I do love women. But I know "biblically" I should be with a man :(
So I have a super sweet guy friend that really likes me and is willing to try things out... So, should I go for it? 
Or just remain in wonder of ever liking men...
Thanks for any advice! Sorry for such a long question! 

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