Weight gain

Pre pregnancy my weight was about 265,and I am about 5'7, but for an overweight women Ive always been really healthy with perfect vitals and blood sugar and have never had health related issues except for mild asthma. I've always had a really hard time controlling my weight no matter how I limit my diet or how much I exercise. So far I've gained about 15lbs though to keeps to yo-yoing back and fourth between 275 and 285. My OBGYN keeps making me feel terrible that I've gained this much and keeps telling me I'm not going to be able to have a baby naturally if I don't lose weight because the baby will get to big. Has anyone else been told this or gone through this and then had a perfectly fine delivery and healthy baby? Still no health problems btw. My sugar levels were perfect when I got them checked a few weeks ago. Btw I'm 31+ 3