Hello everyone

My name is Britney I'm 26 years old Friday August 7th at 2:30 I had a OBGYN appointment they heard the heartbeat it was 125 so they said Saturday August 8th I was bleeding a lot and cramping so bad I wanted to go to the hospital but no one in my husband family believe me so when I got home I was crying so much and I asked my husband to call someone and he didn't wanted to so my step sister in law called for me they came and got me toke me to the ER and this dump nurse was asking dump question when I was crying in pain so they toke me on back to see what was going on and it was for a facted that I was miscarriage I was pasting golf size clots and went through 8 pads I was there I was told they should have keeped me at the hospital but they didn't even cared they said there was nothing they could do for me so I went home and 12 hours later I wanted back to the hospital they did a utlsound and the baby was gone on August 9th.august 14th I had a D&C and so far it seem that I can't even get pregnant..we are trying but nothing is happening