My toddler is driving me crazy!

I'm literally on the verge of tears! If you're going to tell me it's normal, I know that already. If you won't sympathize, go somewhere else.

She gets things like wipes, and destroys them if I turn my back. I tell her no. She throws something at my face. And then proceeds to grab something else as equally bad as the first thing. Remote, my drink on the coffee table, (pouring it out on ME) etc. I tell her no again. I even smack her hands when I'm desperate. But if I keep doing that, she will have bruised hands at the end of the day Lmao. (besides she just makes the "OOH" face and Does it anyways) So I can't think of any way to keep her from acting out and it is hard. I'm also supposed to be on strict pelvic rest. 😭😭 I am at my wits end. Love her but sometimes I simply don't like her. 😂😭😐