In need of advise. Long post!

I've known this guy for about 5 years  been with him for going on 2 years, we have a son, and we are about to move in to our own place in a few days. I have lived with him before so that's not really my concern. My concern is... It seems like as time goes on he gets dumb, and dumber! He was working one of the top 5 jobs in our town and when they started to cut his hours I told him to file for unemployment and keep his job, what does he do? He quits. So he's been out of work now for a little over a month. He's known the goal has been to move in March for MONTHS! And he's just finally getting a job today after I did the application for him to come work at my job! Rewind a little.... I basically cut my family off for having their nose in my business when they commented on us moving together & critized me for giving him almost half of my tax money.. But now I'm starting to get it. I gave him a large amount of money so that he could repair a dent in his moms car, catch up on some bills, and buy himself a work car! Nothing fancy, because I'm damn sure not driving nothing fancy myself..... And what he does..... Blows the money! I won't even mention what he blew it on. But I will say he did catch up on bills and repair the dent. Didn't buy a car. So now I'm his ride to and from work & im allowing him to drive my car when he gets off and pick me up. He claims he's buying a car soon..... He did give me the first months rent... With my money. I wouldn't have given him the money if I felt he didn't deserve it because he does plenty as a dad but he's just bad with budgeting. I'm contemplating should I even sign these damn lease papers tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I love him to death! But I don't want to be his mom! It's annoying because what everyone was saying is becoming a scary reality & I just wish he would keep a job and get his shit together!.... The only issue I have with living at home is, I have one nosey, gossiping, controlling ass family and there's this weird trend where no one moved out until their late 20s! I'm 21, my 9 month old & I are crammed in my small ass room! I think it's time for me to do my job in providing for him.