Damn pasta sauce

Now that I've calmed down, its kinda funny. I'm having a bad day. Im 16 weeks pregnant. My bf fell down the outside stairs of our apartment. He refused to go to the hospital until after work. He has a neck brace and a dislocated arm. Waiting for more tests to make sure that's the only issues. My apartment is a mess because I've been sick the past few days. School bus was cancelled. My four year old and one year old won't stop fighting while I was making lunch. Somehow, I lost the pasta sauce jar. I looked in the entire apartment and can't find the damn thing. I sat down on the floor and just started balling my eyes out. I look horrid already in PJs, messy hair and no make up, basically no sleep in the past week. Questioning if I can do this again, and doubting myself as a mother. All this over a f***ing pasta jar.